Conserve, preserve, it's what we ALL deserve.
To keep the flow of H2O, what's our way to go?
This Term in Inquiry we are learning about water and the Water Cycle.
First we began by reading the Maori Creation Myth about Rangi and Papa and how their children pushed them apart. They cried so much for each other that they made all the water of the world.
We made a mural of the story of Rangi and Papa and showed how it supported what we had learnt about the Water Cycle. We think it looks great!
Next we looked at the 3 states of matter and found out that water can be a liquid, a solid (ice) and a gas (water vapour).
In these two photos we are discovering what makes water a liquid.
We found out that it is cold, wet and pours. |
Then we carried out some experiments to find out how the Water Cycle works.
Melen and JJ are looking at the steam rising off a pot of boiling water. The water is evaporating. That means that it is turning into a gas and rising up into the air. Once the water vapour gets high enough it becomes cold and turn back into water (water droplets). This is consolidation. The water droplets form clouds and when the droplets become heavy enough they fall to the ground as rain.
In the second part of the experiment Serenity put a cold metal lid onto the pot. The lid worked the same as the cold air higher up in the atmosphere. The water vapour hit the cold metal and turned into water droplets. Some water droplets even got heavy enough to fall of the pot lid like rain falls from the clouds. We really enjoyed doing this experiment. It was fun!