Saturday, 22 March 2014

Inquiry Term 1 2014
Make Your Mark.
I make my promise, I keep my promise.
What makes a strong partnership?

This Term Room 3 learnt about the Treaty of Waitangi . We looked at videos of Waitangi Day celebrations and at photos that showed what the signing ceremony might have looked like.

We then made our own Class Treaty. A treaty is a promise and we all promised to keep our Class Treaty. To help us do this we designed our own flag and then had a ceremony where we signed our Class Treaty. We lay the Treaty on our class flag just like they lay the Treaty of Waitangi on the British flag. Then we all signed it.  Here are Bailey-Rae and Shylay signing our Class Treaty.

We also made a promise to come to school every day and we have been very good at keeping this promise.

We learnt that The Treaty of Waitangi is also about partnership. We made a promise to learn our school haka and our school song 'Pepeha'. These photos show us learning the haka. Our partners from the Senior School came every day for a week to help us learn the haka. They were very good teachers and we are very grateful that they helped us.  These photos show us practising the haka.


Learning the haka helped us learn that being a good partner is about working together.  

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Reading in Room 3
Our learning intention is to learn to read by ourselves.
We will know we can do this when we;
  • know our letter names
  • know our letter sounds
  • know our basic words off by heart
We need to practise reading our books and our words every day. Thank you parents, caregivers and brothers and sisters for helping your child with their reading.
We like reading in Room 3. Reading is fun and we learn lot
Here the Lilies are learning their letter names.
We do buddy reading every day after our group lesson with the teachers.

Introduction to Room 3 2014
Room 3 is a class of Year 1 and 2 students.  We have 22 children in the class. Our main focus is on teaching your child  to read fluently, write independently and understand what numbers are and how to solve simple number problems. 
We also undertake Inquiry work. In the First Term we are learning about partnership and making and keeping promises.