Carrying Out an Experiment
We have been learning how to carry out an experiment. We were given 3 plants. We put one on the table in the sun. We put one on a table at the other side of the room from the windows. We put the third plant in the cupboard.
In Week 1 the plants looked like this...
Plant 1 Week 1 - by the window |
Plant 2 Week 1 - in the cupboard
Plant 3 Week 1 - in the light but away from the window
By Week 3 this is what had happened...
Plant 1 Week 3 - by the window
Plant 2 Week 3 - in the cupboard
Plant 3 Week 3 - in the light but away from the window |
We found out that the plant by the window grew the best as it got the most sun. The plant away from the windows but in the light grew well, but not as well as the plant sitting in the sun. The plant in the cupboard became very pale and most of the leaves died.
We discovered that plants need sunshine to stay alive. Plants make their food from the suns rays.